The Remcho Research group endeavors to establish cross discipline collaborations not only with other specialties in chemistry but also with groups in engineering, other science fields as well as with industry. This portion of the wiki will contain past, current and future (placeholder) pages to allow both ends of the collaboration a place to share information and present media pertaining to the open (or private) parts of the collaboration.

Electrical Engineering - John Conley
Gas Phase sensing - Zinc oxide Nanowires

2011 - 2012
Wood Science - John Simonsen

Fall 2013 → Spring 2014
CS Capstone Project - iPhone Biomarker Quantification App (No Login Required to Browse)

Fall 2013 → Present
Biomarker detection - NIMT (National Institute of Metrology Thailand)

Winter 2014 → Present
Fungal secondary metabolites in organic electronics - Sara Robinson (Wood Science and Engineering)