====== Spiropyran Presentations: ====== Jamy's SURE Science Spiropyran Presentation. Contains background and overview of summer progress towards optically gating surfaces. *{{:jamy_lee_sure_presentation_final.pptx|SURE Science Presentation 2014}} Program meeting presentation. Contains an overview of the Spiropyran synthesis reaction. * {{::loh_programmeeting.pdf| Leslie's Program Meeting}} Group meeting presentation. Presentation on a literature article about spiropyrans as a metal ion sensor in an optical fiber. * {{:hengsp-ion-sensor_litpresentation.pdf| Leslie's Spring 2014 Literature Presentation}} * [[http://pubs.rsc.org/en/Content/ArticleLanding/2013/RA/c3ra40321a#!divAbstract|Literature Article]] Group Meeting Presentation. Presentation on a literature article about the development of spiropyran paper. * {{:synergy_of_different_fluorescent_enhancement_effects_on_spiropyran.pdf|Lindsey's Spring 2014 Literature Presentation}} Group Meeting Presentation. Presentation on a literature article about spiropyrans as a drug delivery capsule. * {{:literaturepresentation-spiropyrancapsules.pdf|Leslie's Winter 2014 Literature Presentation}} * [[http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/nn405398d|Literature Article]]